Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 20 (25/01/2011) Kota Kinabalu – Jakarta

We normally wake up on time to check out but it seems that this morning the workers on the constructions site next door wanted to make sure we don’t oversleep. I seriously wanted to scream over to make them stop. Guess I can’t just stop everyone else from work because I am on holiday, but I am sure they would have not said no to an extra holiday.

Our flight to Jakarta was in the evening so we still had half day to do something. We visited a few places around KK and met up with some locals which we met in a bar yesterday.

They showed us a few other areas in KK, mostly shopping centres and food stalls, nothing really for sightseeing. After we had been entertained with jokes and stories they were so nice to bring us to the airport. Sitting now on the plane towards Jakarta, I have to say the stay in KK was a pleasure, even if the nightlife was a bit disappointing. Maybe another time again :)

Read you soon again.


  1. Your sister did go and make the construction workers stop when we wanted to sleep longer in Peru...

  2. Hi Natalie,

    Du ich werde ganz neidisch, wenn ich deinen Blog lese. Man was fuer eine schoene Reise hast du schon hinter dir und noch eine Menge Abenteuer vor dir. Ich wuensche dir viel Spass.
    Ich werde an dich denken, wenn ich hier bei HH in Uxbridge aus dem Fenster schaue und das schoene truebe englische Wetter sehe.


  3. Duncan, did it work? Would do it next time.... Wolfgang, danke dir, ganz lieb :) Hoffe das zumindest die Leute bei HH unterhalten dich ein wenig :)
