Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tasmania Tour Day 5 (02/05/2011)

Of course there had to be a fire alarm at around 9 am on my day off and sleep in. After hearing three alarms outside in the middle of the night that fire alarm gave me the rest and I wanted to tear the siren apart. Well instead I put on some clothes and walked downstairs with the others, some of them rather angry at the person who triggered the alarm. The very sexy fireman came for the inspection and as soon as they left we were able to go back to our rooms. Now I was awake anyway and went for breakfast with one of my roommates. It was her last day and we treated ourselves to a nice English breakfast.

If you ever go to Tasmania be aware that on average everything is more expensive here than on the mainland. Well in the end this is my holiday, so I don’t really look at the money right now and treat myself to some good, nice and yummy things. You know I love my food ;)

After that we went to the Hobart Museum and visited the aboriginal gallery as well as others. The Ice Documentaries and the 3D movie through the Antarctica made me want to go there. It must be very impressive to be there and experience it live. I will defiantly check it out once I have internet again.
Otherwise I only walked around the town as the Mount Wellington (which I originally had on my mind) was in way to many clouds and not worth visiting as you wouldn’t have seen anything from the summit.  So I spend another hour in a bookshop and talked with the girl who worked there about her job. And I seriously start to think about my career and what I would like to do. I always loved books and writing and given the information she gave me this might be something I could really enjoy as a job once I settle somewhere.  I will let you know when I have decided ;)

After that I spend some nice time in the park and just enjoyed and relaxed myself. On my way back to the hostel I saw that the Service of Tasmania offers free internet for half hour. So instead of doing my usual play around I actually sat down and did the important planning stuff in the time I had, checking emails and checked out a few future options. All in all the time ahead is going to be very interesting with some new ideas on my mind.

I will head off tomorrow to another tour and I am really excited that a thermal spring is included. I hope this one is going to be better than the last one I visited in Malaysia.

Read you soon again :)

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