I have never met a person that doesn't fear rejection. Some
can handle it better others not at all. After years of living in freedom and
with no worries I nearly forgot the feeling of rejection or sadness, not having
shed a tear in a very very long time I recently experienced a moment which made
me think.
Let me tell you a little story from which I learned and I
really glad it all happened the way it did.
Around 15 years ago, when I was at the little and delicate
age of 13 I went to a summer camp, experiencing the usual teenage dramas at
that time, one memory in particular stuck in my mind. I met a young guy of
which I had fond memories. I remember at that time that I had rejected his
romantic feelings and the request to become more than just friends. We stayed
in contact for a few years via letters. Of course our lives moved on and the
contact broke up.
Years later I found one of the letters while I was going
through some stuff in the attic. During the years I sometimes thought of him
and wondered what happen with him. With the letter in my hand and today’s
technology I quickly found him on a social network site and managed to get in
touch with him.
We spoke for several weeks and messaged each other until I
had a trip planned to my home town and we agreed to meet. During the time we
found that we were fond of each other and I admit I started to like him,
uncertain what might happen when we see each other.
The day came and it was different to what we both expected,
we met under unplanned circumstances. As usual I went for a fun night out with
my girls. We had planned to meet the next day and have a normal date. It turned
out that he was at that night in the same area as we were, and so unavoidably
we met already the very same night, both of us drunk. And as it happens when
you are drunk we ended up snogging for a while, however very aware that nothing
beyond that should happen I departed and went home with my girls.
The next day arrived and we met to have dinner and see what
the day might bring. It was a bit awkward in the beginning but soon both of us
managed to behave normally and enjoyed each other companies, have dinner with a
walk afterwards through one of the most beautiful spots in my home town; all in
all a very nice evening. I made sure I caught my last train back home.
The next day was my departure day and by coincidence he had
to pick someone up from the airport, what better opportunity would we have to
meet again. So I went over to his place and we decided to watch a movie
together, we thought a bit of cuddling wouldn't hurt. Soon the time came and we
had to make a move to the airport, both of us unsure how this would continue. I
felt positive and therefore made the first move and suggested that we maybe
should give it a try and see how things go. Maybe this was too soon to make suggestion;
I should have known that I am being too pushy.
A week later and we haven’t spoken. I didn't call nor did
he, busy with my live I didn't think much to it. When we did finally managed to
talk it was clear from his site that nothing is going to happen, a long
distance relationship is out of question. I was ok, kind of expecting it. Sad
of course but nothing I couldn't handle.
So I moved on with my live and did what I normally would do
day in and day out. Until months later he came online unexpected calling me. We
had a quick talk and he asked what I would think if he is coming to London and
we would meet for a coffee. I didn't mind as I don’t hold grudges, everyone has
their reasons. But what came next kind of through me off, he asked what if he
would come to London just because of me. I snapped and told him that he made a
decision and that I don’t like games like this. It is either yes or no.
The time came and I went home once again, going out with my
girls, getting into a funny mood one drink after another. I still had his
number in my phone. You probably know what happened next, I texted him. And he
was again in the area, asking if I was sure if I wanted to see him, which I
replied to with a yes. Yes we girls do stupid things and make sure we hurt
By the time he came around to the club we had been, I was,
to say it in a nice way, pretty drunk. I can’t barely remember the things that
happened since then. Next thing I remember was him saying something along the
lines, he just wants fun and nothing else, that made me break into tears.
Leaving the club with my friends as fast as we could and
going into a restaurant across the street calming down was the best thing we
could do at that time.
And I managed to drunk text him several messages, which of
course I don’t regret, but which didn't help waking up the next morning and
thinking back to the end of the night in embarrassment. After clarifying that
there is absolute no chance I gave in and finally deleted his number, making
sure history won’t repeat itself.
What the story taught me is simply that I am glad to have
had it and making sure no matter what, I will stick in the future with my principles.
Now on the other hand it taught me that I am an utterly bad
hypocrite. I had done something similar, if not even worse. Months ago I met
this really nice and kind guy and we had met several times until one day he
managed to tell that he liked me, more than just friends. At that point I was
surprised, not expecting this kind of confession. I admit I didn't say much, didn't want to hurt him.
I was really unsure what to do or what to say to him. I kept
meeting him, nothing happened between us, for the simple reason that I was just
not attracted to him. He is a great guy, with a lot of positive traits, but
nothing seem to arouse me, wanting more.
One thing I feel guilty about, to have dragged it out such a
long time that it ended in simply not replying to his last message. I am
totally aware of the fact I should have said something sooner and not hurt him
at all. I could now come up with a thousand different excuses, but to be honest this is
simply not meant to be.
So the end of the story really is that the dating market is
a give and take. Why do I tell all of you that? No idea, I just had to write it
off my chest and clear my mind. In all honesty, I was to every single guy I have
seen in the last 6 months very unfair, because with every new day I realise
that I have no idea what I want besides traveling, I have no idea where I want
to settle and what I would be able to offer. In all fairness I deserved
everything that had happened and glad I once again learned a lesson of life.
With this said, have a safe journey and read you soon with
some travel stories again :)
Starting to like stories about you more than your travel stories somehow :) But pictures taken during your trip, amazing! Especially Scotland - Rizki J.