Sunday, April 20, 2014

Kuala Lumpur - Scenery, Food and a good time

It was Thursday evening and I just finished packing for my trip. This is the first time I had to think really hard about my packing list as I am going on a business as well as holiday with only hand language. Not a task I am used to, I am really not a fashonista and always take my usual clothes with me, but with work involved, that wasn’t really possible and I had to adjust a bit. With a few tips from my sister and housemate I made up my mind and was read y to go.
Work had booked an overnight flight directly to KL and a great seat with plenty of leg room and a free seat next to me (not that they would’ve known that when they booked).

Upon arrival a taxi driver was waiting for me (luxus!) and we started together a 1 and half hour journey to the Hotel which is located in the CBD of KL. As you can imagine I was pretty tired from the flight and the last thing I wanted to do was entertaining the driver. He was really nice, but after 30 minutes of small talks I just wanted to watch the passing scenery and see how much I still can remember and dive into the memory lane. Not only was I thinking of Malaysia but my trip to SE Asia in general. I am still (and maybe more than ever) fascinated by the cities, may it be Singapore, KL or other cities that drive to develop as quick as possible and make a change to the world. You can decide for yourself if for the better or worse.
Getting back to topic, the driver unfortunately didn’t stop talking and avoiding to be rude I kept the conversation up, though just to a minimum. I felt sorry, because I am sure he must have felt that I wasn’t in the mood and yet he didn’t stop.

We finally arrived and I checked into a hotel booked by the company and quickly popped out for a bite to eat and taking in the air and the feel of being back in Malaysia. It has been two years since the last time I came to KL and was really excited to be back and eat all the great food, meet friends and see a familiar scenery since it is not often that I go back to an overseas country I have been before.
I can actually see the Patronas Twin tower from my hotel window! It really has been some time (if ever?) that I was accommodated in such luxury hotel, really not something I am used to. And not sure if I could ever get used to it…but it was nice for a change and I appreciated it while it lasts.
 After my quick tour I popped by the office and said hello to my colleagues. As I wasn’t tired at all I stayed fairly late and joined them for their dinner before making my way back to the hotel for a relaxing night. 

The street food scene is certainly in my top favourites when it comes to visiting Asia as it is usually very delicious and fresh!


For the next day I slept in to get over a non existing jet lag and strolled through the town and stopped by the KL Tower which I missed out on last time. In the evening I was taken out by colleagues and got to experience a little bit of the night life which I really enjoyed but around 3 am we made our way back.

The Kuala Lumpur Tower is easy to reach and actually offers a shuttle from the ground to the entry, but somehow I have missed it and walked all the way up, I was just a little bit exhausted after the walk.

A quick visit to the Uzen restaurant located in the Concorde Hotel was certainly worth it, the food was simply mouth watering though a bit pricey

On Sunday I joined my colleagues in a very fun and great activity called Art Jamming and I really really enjoyed it. If you are interested to do the same, visit the organiser:

I can really recommend it for a group of friends, couples or even if you are just a single traveller. It was just a shame that I couldn't take my painting home, it would have been a very nice memory on my wall.

My masterpiece which I called: The Universal needs
I think I might require a little bit more practice to become an artist ;)

The remaining time was spend with a lot of lunches and dinner which all tasted just fantastic and I wish there were more of similar places in the UK for the same price! Ok, maybe something that is not sustainable here, but dreaming is allowed ;) I really would love to come back soon!

Happy Travels!

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