But it doesn’t have to be. It is obviously my choice :) So, instead of hanging around in the hostel I got my lazy butt out of bed.
Last Sunday I met with a really nice person. He has been living in Melbourne already over 30 years and emigrated from Germany. I met him through work and we got along well, so he invited me to visit a few places around Melbourne.
We first went to the Dights Fall Park, which is unfortunately (or fortunately for the area) under construction, so not much to see.
I have to add that on that specific day the weather was really hot and sunny until two in the afternoon, of course that was the time when we started the tour.
After the Dights Fall we visit the Yarra Bend Park, which wasn’t so nice because it had started to rain very heavy and we decided to stay in the car for a while. I only watched the area from far, but it was still nice.
After a few minutes we got out and moved towards the Flying Foxes (bats) which live in this area. You could see thousands of them hanging from the trees, such an amazing view (despite the rain). Apparently at night time you can see them flying off to the east. I will make sure that I get to see that before leaving.
Given that I was dressed for a warm day, I was freezing plus wet from the rain. I can tell you that this is not a good combination. But I got my act together and kept going.
Next we arrived at the Fairfield Park where we were sitting down for a nice coffee and cake. I bet at a nice sunny day this place must be beautiful and stunning.
The next day it was Labour Day, a bank holiday in Australia. I didn’t have to work and decided to go to the Mombra Festival in the Melbourne city. It was great and I think some of the videos I made give a better impression than me writing down very boring and detailed stories ;)
I did some more sightseeing (given that I was again in the city and missed a few places the first times around). See below :)
Nothing much happened besides that. Life as you know it goes on and the daily grind got me back in its very hard grip. I will be happy to move on very soon and going to get some more adventures added to my experience.
Read you soon :0
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