Every time I start writing a new blog entry I look back to my previous one and think about what had happen since and what is worth to share with you and what I shouldn’t mention.
Of course every single minute and hour in my life is important to me but it would be a bit too much to mention all the little things that make me smile every day. But a few things I do want to share.
Since my last update I moved into a house share with some lovely people. Even though I have not really got to know them yet because of my constant absence, I do believe we get along. My room is next to the kitchen and the cheapest in the house to ensure I will always have some money left for trips.
Some will never understand why I prefer to spend all the money I earn on trips instead of a nice little flat to live on my own. Others do understand and support me all the way. I started with traveling pretty late compared to others, but for me it was just as the time was right. I have to give all the credit for my change of life to my sister, without her I would not be where I am now in life. I wouldn’t have all the wonderful experience and adventures; I would have never met all those lovely people. Thanks to the support throughout the last 8 years from my whole family and friends that keep asking when I come back to Germany. I learned that home is where you heart is and not your belongings. I am happy, truly happy.
When I walk and drive to work in the morning I look at the other people that surround me, walking in the same steady speed in the same direction. The feeling of mainstream is strong, but every single person I pass during my short trip are dwelling in their own world, battle their own fights and live their dreams by overcoming their own battles. I used to tend to think about myself a lot, what other people think about me, how others perceive me. They think the same! They don’t care what I look like or how I behave, they are curious what I think about them. What goes around comes around is a very true saying. Be nice and people are nice to you.
Watching the people spilling out of the train like cereals from a carton is fun to watch and gives me a little tingle every single morning. I don’t mind being squeezed in with hundreds of others, every single one of them has their own story and I would love to hear some, get inspired. Unfortunately in today’s society, everyone is looking down into their book, listening to music through their headphones. Everyone is captured in their own little bubble. I will start and approach people more often; a friend of mine helped me finding the right way to do so.
Walking slowly and taking in the surrounding with a clear mind I must say I start to love London, love the fact that I live in such a multicultural city where you can experience every single day something new. That I pass every morning the landmarks of London makes me smile and it certainly helps coming into the office with a big fat smile and good mood.
Once upon a time my live had been driven by the thought to have the latest technology gadgets and fancy schmancy stuff, today I am driven to see and explore the world and live my life to the fullest. I try to get out as much as possible, try as many different foods as available. Go out and see different art expeditions, music event, performances and meet people. I learned not to say no to an invitation and not to cancel last minute because I feel lazy. I truly can now say my live is awesome in the way I want it to be. Every single step I took brought me where I am today and therefore I would like to say THANK YOU to every single one of you of whom I had the pleasure to meet along the way. Thank you John, who is still with me every single day in my thoughts, you taught me to be positive in every single way. You are still missed and mentioned in our conversations whenever your friends get together. May you rest in peace, we are grateful that you were part of our lives.
This was it for today; this was all I wanted to share for now. As others already said, it is not important where you want to go, but the journey you make to get there.
Read you soon my lovely readers. May life be with you!
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